Frequently Asked Questions

Visa Requirements

  1. Who needs a Visa to visit Lesotho?
    Click to download
  2. How long can I stay without a visa?
    Varies from 1 month to 3 months
  3. How do I apply for a visa for Lesotho?
  4. Can I apply for visa upon arrival?
    This is highly discouraged.
  5. Do I need Malaria vaccination to Lesotho?
    No but it is important to have your yellow fever card with you.
  6. What documents do I need when travelling abroad?
    All vary from country to country contact by email the Consular Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for respective Visa requirements.
  7. 7. How do I know if there is a Lesotho Embassy in the country I am traveling to?
    You can acquaint yourself with the Lesotho Diplomatic representations abroad at
  8. Where can I go without a visa?
    Varies from 1 month to 3 months
  9. How long can I stay without a visa?
    Membership to the Commonwealth waives many plus Bilateral Agreements with a number of states on travel regime. To see it in more detail please click here...

Studying Abroad

  1. Who needs a Study Permit?
    • Everyone with a Lesotho Passport
    • To apply for study permits, acquisition of forms is at respective Embassies / High Commissions
    • To be stamped / endorsed at Foreign Affairs and International Relations;
    • Study Permits for South Africa cost about M500.00
  2. 14. How long does the study permit take?
    2-3 weeks
  3. Is there Express Study Permits?

Working Abroad

  1. Who needs a Work Permit?
    Every Lesotho citizen unless otherwise acquired citizenship
    • Forms acquired at respective Embassies / High Commissions
    • To be stamped / endorsed at Foreign Affairs and International Relations
    • Terms and conditions apply
  2. How long does the Work permit take
    2-3 weeks
  3. Is there Express Work Permits?

Persons Declared UNDESIREABLE

  1. How does a person become undesirable in South Africa?
    Every Lesotho citizen who has overstayed
  2. 23. How is this avoided?
    • By requesting a number of days at the border, and checking that the requested days have been granted
    • By Reporting to Department of Home Affairs before days expire if an extension is required for health reasons
    • By becoming vigilant
  3. Can this status be waived by paying?
    Absolutely not
  4. What is the minimum sentence?
    1or 2 Years up to 10 Years ranging from one day to months
  5. Is there anything Foreign Affairs can do?
    Absolutely NOT

Repatriation of Remains

  1. What are the requirements?
  2. What is the Role of Foreign Affairs / Embassies in the case of death of a citizen abroad? Besides facilitation between host country and the family in Lesotho Absolutely no finances involved
  3. Who takes care of financing repatriation?
    The familyEmbasies only facilitate transition
  4. What happens in the case of destitute families?
    Foreign Affairs STILL does not take financial responsibility

Human Trafficking

  1. Is Lesotho active internationally on human trafficking issues?
    Human trafficking is one of the most dangerous challenges of the present times and is considered as a most blatant violation of fundamental human rights. Hundreds of thousands of people are estimated to be victimized annually. Lesotho is in the process to launch a large-scale campaign against human trafficking. More...
  2. What is Lesotho’s take on Human Trafficking?
    Human trafficking / migrant smuggling is of Major concern to Lesotho and efforts are taken with other member states to compile Migration Profiles to able to take full responsibility to curb this Development hindrance

Trade and Tourism

What can Lesotho actually offer to foreign investors?
Lesotho seeks to offer the most favourable and convenient conditions for foreign investors. More under Trade and Tourism...

Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Relations